Mosquito Creek Hut

Known as Mosquito Creek Camp, or Skeeter Creek Hut.

Located at Macquarie Harbour, very near to the Heads and a short walk over the peninsula, to the coast.


This hut replaced an older one, which was part of the nearby town of Napier, named after an early explorer. The first hut was built to support fishing.

The closed section of the hut was built originally and the much larger area to the rear and side, was added for cover around an iron stove. The original BBQ is set just to one side of the extension wall, and is no longer useable as a result.

The hut is a popular sheltered spot for fishermen, who can walk behind the hut out to the main coast in good weather and fish for crays and other delicacies.


Moseley's Camp


Neck Island Camp