Junction Lake Hut

Photo courtesy of Margaret Howe copyright © 2003.

Known as Junction Lake Hut

Located at Junction Lake, Walls of Jerusalem National Park south of Lake Meston.

Brief History

Junction Lake Hut and Lake Meston Huts were built by Dick Reed, grandson of famous philanthroper, Henry Reed.

Dick built this hut beside the ruin of Arthur Youds hut in 1969, having been introduced to the mountains in 1919 - that is he was over 70 at the time.

The hut was designed by Reg Hall, and constructed of Pencil Pine logs and timber collected nearby. The hut was completed in 1970 and used by Dick and his friends into his 80's. The hut is now in the Conservation area and belongs to the Crown.

Caretakers - Mountain Huts Preservation Society.

GPS location S 41.92215 E 146.18839 - From Google Maps.


John Jacques Memorial Hut


Kerrisons Hut