John Jacques Memorial Hut
Known As the John Jacques Hut or Bob McMahon Hut
Located at Ben Lomond, on the north side of of the escarpment. Take the road up to Ben Lomond, then take the right fork, and follow the road to Car Villa. About 150m before the huge parking area, there is a much smaller one. The hut is downhill from here about 100m and is visible from the road, when observed with care.
The hut was built for rock climbers with approval of the Parks Service, by Bob McMahon, a well known rock climber, specifically as shelter for climbers. He named it after a good climbing friend, John Jacques.
The hut is in good order and obviously well used with mattresses on the bunks and cooking pots available.
The hut is a pragmatic design for about 10 climbers, built of stone with an iron roof. It has bed platforms and an open fireplace.