Borradaile Plain Hut

Photographs courtesy of Margaret Howe and Royden Maney.

Known as Borradaile Hut

Located at Borradaile Plain in the Mersey Valley, between Cradle Mountain NP and the Arm River. Access from the north can be made from the Lemonthyme Power Station, or preferably from the South from the Arm River Reserve. From here, follow the Bare Hill road and turn right at the intersection. 18km further on, is the Power Station, after you cross the Borradaile Plains. This is an easily managed 4WD road, unless there is heavy rain, in which case it can be more demanding.


This is the second hut on this site and replaced the original in the 1950’s when the first was burnt by fire. The area was used by graziers and snarers for many decades, and the hut remains maintained by private individuals.

The hut is more famous as being the location for the first meeting of the Tasmanian Mountain Cattlemen’s meet in 1988.


Timber slabs and iron roof.


Basil Steers #2 Hut


Charlestons Hut