Merambego Homestead
Photograph from the KHA Archives © 1973
Known as Merambego Hut or Merambego Homestead
Located in the far south Byadbo Wilderness at GR 484206 on the new Tombong 1:50,000 map. This is a site only, with the footplate and chimney remaining.
It was originally built as a homestead to support grazing around 1900.
It was pulled down by the NPWS as a "risk to visitors" without approvals being sought in the 1980's.
Original homestead built in timber with paling walls and corrugated iron roof, it was the centre of a subtantial station. large yards (200m north) and evidence of other buildings on the site exist.
Caretakers - NPWS
NPWS holds extensive files on this homestead at Jindabyne
Craig Doubleday - pers comm Oct 2006.