Cope Hut

Photographs courtesy of N Irvine, 2009

Known as Cope Hut

Located on the Alpine walking track at Mt Cope, and also about 400m from the High Plains Rd. On the Bogong High Plains map at GR259152. Its and easy walk from a prominent parking area.

GPS Location:

Brief History

Built 1929, after a proposal by Robert "Wilkie" Wilkinson for the Ski Club of Victoria. Designed by the Chief Architect Mr Evan Smith, of the Victorian Public Works Department.

Funding came from the State Tourist Committee, following an explanation that Wallaces, and other huts were deteriorating as serious ski refuges.

Bill Spargo supervised the construction, with Bill Barrington, Jack Barrington and Martin Lawler as builders. Materials came by dray to Dibbins, then by sled to the High Plains. The original hut had the main entrance coming into the ski room, but it was regularly snowed in, so a new door was cut into the "back" wall, and remains to this day.

The hut was classified by the National Trust in 1988!


The hut appears as a steep gable in a brilliant position, measuring about 5m by 3.5m for the core building, flanked by bunk areas and a ski room.

The rafters are adzed softwood and the floor of (now highly polished) hardwood. The fireplace is of rough granite and the walls and roof of corrugated iron (Lysaght Guinea).

Caretakers - now the YHA Bushwalking Club


  1. Hueneke Pp 145, 234

  2. Butler Pp77 - 80

  3. Magnussen Pp102

  4. Stephenson Pp269 - 272, 301.


Cleve Cole Hut


Cope Saddle Hut