Cairn Creek SEC Hut

Photograph courtesy of Fiona Magnussen © 2003.

Known as

Located at Cairn Creek, at the base of Timms Spur. Shown on the Bogong High Plains map at 271300. Walk across the Big River to the hut by leaving the Quartz Ridge walking track and go to approximately 800 metres from the Bogong Creek Saddle, down Granny Spur, where Big River and Cairn Ck meet. It is not easy to find.

GPS Location:


A classic earlier iron SEC hut (similar to Bogong Jacks or Cairn Ck) with the door in the end wall, it was located on Block 25 held by HB Duane from 1900, followed by the Howman's of Eskdale.

This hut was built by the SEC in 1952, to measure the results of the Big River diversion, through a tunnel under Bogong Creek Saddle, with huge racelines stretching out on both sides of the Big River Valley to the Omeo Highway - but it was never built. The horror budget of 1951 cut funding to the Kiewa, which now produces half the power that was planned in 1947. The hut is now maintained by the NPWS.

Given it is in dense bush, it is amazing that it survived the 2003 fires. The related toilet was destroyed.


Classic SEC construction, vertical corrugated iron, timber floor, double bunk and pitched iron roof. Lined with masonite and fitted with a Lux iron stove. Still retains its SEC first aid box.

Caretakers - NPWS.


  1. Butler Pp53 - 56

  2. Magnussen Pp94 - 95.

  3. Hueneke 233.


Bongong Jacks Hut


Cleve Cole Hut