BHP Miners’ Hut

Known as BHP Hut or BHP Miners Hut

Located at the southern end of Macquarie Harbour near to Birch’s Inlet. The hut sits on a hill and the identifying feature on the shore, is a pair of huge logs forming a dock in an “L” shape. To find the hut, walk directly up the gentle risse for about 150m to a large cleared area. This was the original space for a helicopter pad, and parking of vehicles.


This hut is large and was built to be “temporary” to support the exploration team for a BHP team using a five-year mineral exploration license. Two other companies have these licenses currently.


The hut is built on a large concrete slab, and is in fair shape, other than the southern wall which has been blown out, but could be easily replaced. A small repair to the roof is also needed, plus a new stove and bunk repairs. The view from the hut is quite special. A track to Point Hibbs leaves the back of the hut and heads south for willing explorers.

A second concrete slab sits about 50m to the east, clearly used as a shed for a vehicle.

The photos below were taken by Olaf Moon in October 2022.


Boom Camp