McCoys Huts

Photo courtesy of NWWC 1974

Known as McCoy Huts, McCoys 1 and McCoys 2.

Located near to Lake Ayr, on the February Plains, north of the Arm River, about 50m into the pine forest. Located at GR259731 on the Rowallen 1:25000 map.


This was the first of two huts built by McCoy in this area, to support his trapping activities. The second hut, built of iron, is now flat on the ground.

This hut is well looked after, but is small and close to collapse. There is now a sign at the site, installed by MHPS.


Built of pine slabs with a new entrance. Contained three small bunks inside. Now a ruin.

Caretakers MHPS


Joe Slatter Hut


Lone Star Mine Huts