Smiths Tops Hut

Photos by Olaf Moon October 2022 prior to the clean-up.

Known as Smiths Tops Hut or Smiths Top Hut.

Located in the Top Marshes Conservation Area on the Central Plateau. This area is north of Bronte Park and east of the Marlborough Highway. If travelling south from the Great Lake on the Marlborough Highway, you will reach Little Pine Lagoon on your right. Cross over the Monpeelyata Canal and continue along Marlborough Highway for a short distance of just 0.9 km, to the first road to the left with an old sign “Danger do not swim or boat in the canal”. (The lagoon should still be visible on the right). Turn left and follow a good gravel road for 2.8kms in. A wooden sign, now standing just and facing away, says “Conservation Area”, and indicates a challenging track off with deep mud bogs and many rocks. Park here then walk the short distance to the hut of about 150 metres.

The hut has had a major clean-up with over 500 bottles and glass being removed in October 2022. It needs some repairs but is in a great spot. An old shed standing just behind this one was burnt recently, but the main hut survived. The chimney base can be seen, along with a pyramid dog-house still in place to the east of the main hut.


The hut was built about 1930 for shepherds’ accommodation, as this area was leased for grazing.

Shepherd “Friday” Medhurst used to live here until the Grazing leases were terminated in 1982 across the plateau.

It is now used by walkers, hunters and fishermen and has survived a number of bushfires including the 2019 fire, when aerial water bombing was critical to its retention.


There were originally two huts here, the second being a snarers skin shed behind this one which has recently burnt. This hut is built from timber and is lined, and has a wooden floor and fireplace.


Sandy Lake Hut (Lake MacKenzie)


Smurf Hut