Reg Wadley Memorial Hut

Photograph courtesy of John Robertson © 2001.

Known as The Reg Wadley Memorial Hut, or Wadley Hut.

Located at Lees Paddocks, east of Pelion Plains. This hut is on private property, so permission must be sought to visit it.

GPS Location


Reg Wadley was a good friend of Lewis Lee who owned the lease on Lees Paddocks. In 1970, Reg Wadley purchased a hundred acres in The Paddocks, which was sold to him by Oxley Lee, brother of Lewis. When Reg passed away in 1972, his share of The Paddocks passed to his daughter, Judy, who shared her late father’s passion for the highlands and the natural environment.

Judy decided to build this hut in her husbands memory, and named it thus. Walkers and horse riders visit regularly.


The hut was erected and completed in February 1985. All timber was sourced from local hardwood in the area and so the hut is warm, cosy and comfortable.

Caretakers - MHPS members



Rebecca Temma Hut


Sandy Lake Hut (Lake MacKenzie)