Bindaree Hut

Photo copyright John Mitchell © 1971 - Showing Bindaree as it was first built, with a wood and iron chimney. 

Known as Bindaree Hut

Located on the Upper Howqua Road, Howqua River. Shown on the Buller-Stirling map at GR593864. The 1:25,000 map is T8223-4-3 and AMG Zone 55: 459473, 5886503. Accessible by 4WD.


Brief History

The first hut was built prior to January 1926 (about 1914) and was of vertical slab format. It was originally presumed to have been built by Jim Ware, son of John Ware who owned grazing lease E8 in this area. A photograph of Jim Barclay (later to be murdered at Wonnangatta) shows him in front of a hut of this construction and dated 1916.

Relatives of a local Forestry officer, Arthur Dale believe he built the hut in the early 1930's of timber, like the Tomahawk Hut. This may be the second hut on the site.

However, family relatives confirm that the original builders of the current structure, were Harry Norris, Fred Fry, Harry O'Brien and Joe McIlroy in about 1937. The hut was paid for by the Mansfield Tourist Asociation, to encourage bushwalkers to the area.

Harry Norris was employed by the State Forestry Commission to build forestry camps and hut in the area, including those at Mirimbah Camp. (He also assisted in the construction of Eight Mile Ck Hut, which was burnt down by hikers in the 1960s.)

From this information, it appears that there have been three huts on the site, or two with one being highly modified at some point in time eg with a new chimney.


The current hut is built of Broad Leaf Peppermint logs, standing eight high and about 180-250mm in diameter. They are butt ended at the northern end, but halved at the south!

The roof poles are bark covered eucalyptus with a double ridge pole, covered with corrugated iron and some iron sheeting.

The floor was originally of stone, but this has disappeared. The fireplace was rebuilt in 1986 of stones and is a unique style, but certainly more durable. The hut is very simple, devoid of windows and furniture, but is very popular and often photographed.

Caretakers - Staff and Students from Wollungarra.


  1. Hueneke Pp 76, 231.

  2. G. Butler 1996 Pp 5-6.

  3. Butler Report II - Pp 50-54

  4. Stephenson P137-8 and 145

  5. Siseman P86 E4

  6. The Howqua Hills Story by Chris Stoney - 1993

  7. Robert J Norris (Grandson) - pers comm 28.9.03


Blackbird Hut (Kellys Howqua)