Brophys Hut Davies Plain

Photo copyright Olaf Moon © 1992.

Known as Davies Plain Hut, or Brophys Hut.

Located on the Davies Plain Track, about 20Km south of the NSW border. Shows on the Bairnsdale-Swifts Ck map. GR001419. Contrary to earlier reports, this hut was NOT burnt down in the 2003 fires.


Brief History

The hut was originally built by the Gibson family for cattlemen's use in 1939, but the last cattle were grazed here in 1956. John Gibson was the first leasee and took up the lease in 1892 on Block A5.

The hut was substantially rebuilt in about 1995 and is a very popular spot for 4WD visitors coming across the Snowy River from the north, or Murray from ACT and NSW, but is a very long drive from Melbourne!

There is excellent camping around the hut.


Constructed of Woollybutt logs, with a steep gable tin roof and weatherboards. Has a dirt floor, with a large fireplace at the end. A more recent wood store is at the end.

Caretakers - A 4WD Club


  1. Hueneke Pp203, 234.


Charlies Creek Hut