Hard work
Timber Workers slaved to extract the best wood from the forest.
Known as Bendora Hut, sometimes spelt Bendoura Hut.
Location: Bendora hut is located just below the ridge line about 1.5km down the "Bendora Fire Trail" which runs south east, from the Bulls Head to Gininni road. It is shown on the Tidbinbilla map at GR 628785.
GPS: S 35.422120 E 148.795425
Brief History
Our historian claims that this particular hut was built about 1942, originally for arboretum workers. It was later used by loggers. On my first visit in 1974, the hut was larger and had gabled wings running from each side. The wing running to the north, was full of machinery and tools used by forest workers, such as chainsaws.
Tents and other cubicles existed nearby, the latter for sleeping quarters, while this hut was used as the kitchen and dining area.
Others claim that Bendora was built in 1930 by Ted Kennedy for road workers. This was the last hut built for arboretum support, following Pryors Hut.
Bendora is an all tin hut, large and rectangular in shape, with a corrugated iron chimney. It is set well off the ground, through the use of bush poles.
The location of the fireplace, in one long wall, and the high footings (presumably to allow access to the hut after snow) are unusual.
Caretakers - none presently.
Matthew Higgins Namadgi Sites p3.
KHA Reference number 0503 (1997).
This photo was taken by Olaf Moon in 1993 with Sheryle Moon sitting on the stoop.