Yan's Store

Known as Yans Store, but at other times as Harris House and Irwins Shop.

Located in the centre of Kiandra Town, on the north side of the Snowy Highway. The chimney on the right still exists.


Yan's Store is probably the most famous building in Kiandra, but is now just a few chimneys, having been removed by the NPWS in the 1980's.

Charles Cowper built the store in 1860 and it was quite a hit with the miners and locals. Robert and Oliver Harris took over the store in the late 1890’s. Oliver retained the store until WW I.

In the 1920’s the store was sold to George Yan one of Tom Yans five children. Additional residences were added in 1861 and 1870.

In 1890, a new general store and newsagency was added by the Harris family and they continued to modify it through to 1895.

After 1895 and until 1899 new additons were added and the veranda on the western side was built. The photo to the left was taken in 1976. In 1975, I explored the whole building, which while a little “drafty” but was complete. However, the NPWS considered it to be unsafe and pulled it down. This was a great pity.


  1. Klaus Hueneke, Huts of the High Country pp 96-98

  2. KHA Reference number is 1016.


Wragges Observatory


Yellow Bog Hut #1