Moulds Hut

Photo courtesy of Reet Vallak.

Known as Moulds Hut or Spencers Peak Hut

Location near Spencers Peak, west of Eucumbene Dam and in the east section of the Jagungal Wilderness. Grid reference is 309011 on the Khancoban 1:50,000 map. (The Kosciusko map shows it in a slightly different position).

Brief History

Moulds was built by RG Mould in 1930.

Moulds was one of two huts deliberately destroyed by fire, by NPWS officers in 1977, after a mis-interpretation of the policy at the time.

A request to be allowed to re-build the hut, was denied by the NPWS in 1978.

The toilet still stands!


Moulds was 5m by 4m and built or corrugated iron, with a dirt floor.


  1. KHA Reference number is 2331.

  2. KNP does not list this hut in the Managment Plan.


Montagues Hut


Napthalis Homestead