Pretty Plain Hut

Photo January 2003.

Known as Pretty Plain Hut, Chisholm’s Hut, Pretty Plain Number 1.

Located west of Jagungal and to the east of the Dargal Mountains. The Grid Reference is 163 964 on the Kosciusko Map. It was burnt to the ground by the bushfires in January 2003. Pretty Plain Hut was then rebuilt with considerable challenges, not the least of which was to bring the logs into the site.

Brief History

The hut was built by Captain Chisholm of Khancoban, east of an older hut site. 

The first vehicles to cross the alps were Willy's Jeeps, driven by Tom and Elyne Mitchell, who passed by the hut site, on the way from Bradneys Gap to Pretty Plain, Mawsons and then the Chalet. The story of this trip was written up in the log book by Olaf Moon and John Mitchell (Elyne's son) in 1976 and was re-quoted many times, sometimes with strong criticism!

The ruin to the south was the stable, used for horse trekking from 1960 - 1970 by Ted Winter

Pugilistic Hut stands just, to the north, but is now also a ruin following the 2003 bushfires, although it still stands.


Pretty Plain was a substantial hut and one of only a few built as a log cabin. The fire place was so large, that you can stand inside it without getting burnt!

The hut was 8m by 6m with three rooms. The floor is made of wood slabs and the roof of corrugated iron. The walls are horizontal interlocking logs, similar to Vickerys. There are three windows.


Pretty Plain is valued by many for its excellent shelter in an otherwise remote area of KNP. Being in a frost hollow, it can be very cold in winter.


  1. Hueneke Pp xiv, 42, 144, 154, 156-163.

  2. KHA Study exists, along with notes and a full history.

  3. The KNP POM Schedule is L21.

  4. KHA reference number is 2308.The reference number for Pretty Plain No.2 is 2309.



Pedens Hut


Pockets Hut