Love Nest in the Sallees

Known as Love Nest Hut or Love Nest in the Sallees or Oldfields #2 Hut. “Love Nest” has been its name for generations but some family members would prefer it be known as Oldfield’s #2.


Access this hut by taking the Tantangara Rd from the Snowy Mountain Highway, then following the fire trail from the Tantangara Dam site, past Pedens Hut. After the track crosses the river, the hut is on the opposite hill and a little further uphill than the grid reference would indicate, at 555409. There is only a feint vehicle track to the hut.

Brief History

This hut was built in 1948 by Walter Oldfield and reputedly burnt in 1982, to stop the curious from trying to find it. In fact it still stands. The intention was that it remain as secret as possible from the wider family and community.

It gets its name from apparent adultery, the full story of which remains a family secret. However it was serious and went on for many years. The double bed remains in the hut to this day and may be viewed below.

The hut used to contain many original items of furniture and implements, some of which exist today. These were protected by listing the incorrect position of the hut in many reports!


The hut is made of vertical slabs of timber, with an iron roof. It has settled into the ground over the years so that the internal height is reduced.


  1. The KHA Reference number is 1314.

  2. This hut does not appear in the 1982 KNP POM and is sometimes confused with Ted Oldfields Hut.

GPS Location: S 35.761847 E 148.720887


Kiandra Courthouse


Mackeys Hut