Hain's Hut

Photos Copyright (c) Olaf Moon - December 2003 work party.

Location Hain’s hut is west of Tantangara, on a river at Grid Reference 438402. It is accessible by firetrail from the Snowy Highway to the south. The best way is to drive in 5km on the Bullock Hill Fire trail to the river and walk from there. The track is very good at the moment and easily ride-able by mountain bike.

Brief History

The lease on which this hut was built, was by Elizabeth Janet Hain. She gave her son, Herbert "Herb" Hain the right to use the lease.

Herb built the hut in 1948, using materials that were pre-cut by George Bottom of Cooma. They were carried into the picturesque hut site beside the Murrumbidgee River, on a four wheel wagon, which followed a more direct line from Witzes, down the creek to this place.

Herb ran his own property, "Harlowe" near the airport at Cooma, which remains in the family to this day, and used this lease of 1500 acres to graze sheep in the summer. He relinquished the lease in the 70's, after which it was actively used by the NSW Flyfishers Club and others. Herb passed away in 1994 but is remembered for many things, not least his finding the lost aircraft Southern Cloud. Currently, the hut is most commonly used by horse riders, but walkers, fly-fishers, mountain bikers and canoeists are also common visitors.

Herb's son, H. Clyde Hain spent much of his youth at the hut, riding both horses and trail bikes in the area until 1973. Every few years, he returns to keep the hut in good order. The last time was December 2003, when major renovation work was done on the hut by Clyde, his son Sam and a workparty of KHA members. This included restumping the veranda and southern wall, cutting of drainage pits, replacement of floor boards on the veranda, replacement of window sills, cleaning of the fireplace and graffiti, closure of all bird entry points, installation of a new log book holder and many other tasks.

Of note is the furniture in the hut, including a huge kitchen table, that would seat at least 24 with comfort. It was originally the dining table from Gooandra Homestead, and was bought here after a friend of Herbs, took the old table away. It was made of Australian Cedar, and the wombats found it to their liking. The remains were made into two coffee tables, one of which remains with the Hains. There are also two bunks, chairs, a long bench and a cedar dresser.


The building is 6m by 3m plus an additional 2m square room and veranda. The roof and walls are of corrugated iron, with a pitched gable and skillion over the veranda. The floor is of wood, made from un-grooved boards. Unusually, the key stumps were of stone and others of wood, which have sunk to some degree.

The chimney base is of concrete and stone, with an iron surround. The inner has a huge pair of dogs welded to a backing plate of steel. The flue is a round tube of iron, slightly too short, but held in place by custom welded rings and braces of flat steel. It now sports a bird proof latch, made from an old toasting grill.

Furniture includes the table, dresser, two chairs, a long bench, shelving and two bunks. The upper bunk used to be fitted with hessian from a wool bale.

The room to the right end of the veranda, was the tack shed, used for storage. Around the hut were two mustering paddocks, the largest on the hill opposite. Most of the wire and iron droppers have now been removed.

Caretakers - The Hain Family.


  1. Hueneke Pp 202.

  2. KHA reference number is 1307,

  3. KNP POM number is L.68.


hains hut interior

Grey Hill Cafe Hut


Hainsworth Hut