Cootapatamba Hut

Photograph copyright to Olaf Moon © 2004. Alex Moon in the “escape hatch” for deep snow conditions.

Located very strategically in the river valley to the immediate south of the Kosciusko Summit at grid reference 125622.

Brief History

This hut was originally built by the SMA as a survey shelter. It is unique in that the snow entrance is via a roof top tunnel. There is a summer entrance into the side of the "tower". The fireplace is external to the hut.

Cootapatamba is a genuine survival shelter, designed to catch people leaving the summit of Kosciusko during poor weather. The path down this valley would appear to head to safer areas, but in fact heads deep into the wilderness.

Along with Seaman's this is the only other remaining survival hut above the snow line in KNP. Recently 19 people survived a storm inside the hut, a number it is almost impossible to imagine actually getting into it!


At 2.5m by 2.5m it is very small. The walls are weatherboard, and the floors of timber. There is a tin roof.

Caretakers - Cox family.


  1. KHA Reference number is 2409 and

  2. the KNP POM is L.51

  3. Hueneke.

GPS: S 36.477522 E 148.256115


Sense has prevailed here, even down to the colour of the paint job, and along with Seaman's Hut, this one has saved many lives, despite its small size.


Coolamine Huts


CSIRO Research Hut