Vickerys Hut

Known as Mackerys Hut or Vickerys Hut


Vickerys is in the west of KNP, on Jounama Creek, up towards Talbingo and accessible from an un-marked firetrail off the Snowy Mountains Highway. After walking in about 500m, note a newer firetrail heading off to the left, down into a gully - this goes directly to the hut, over a hill.

The old walk along Jounama Ck is possible, but becoming incrasingly rough due to the blackberries. Grid reference 271571.


Brief History

The site was previously occupied in the early 1900's and used for breeding horses and potato growing.

The huts were built in 1938 by Ross and Noel Vickery for sheep and cattle grazing. The shed (standing in good condition) was built in 1940.

The front door came from the Wynyard Hotel in Tumut, and remains a crouch to get through!.


The hut is one of two in the Park, featuring interlocking log construction. The roof is of iron and the floor of wood. The chimney is also of iron.

The construction of the shed is interesting, as it is made largely from flattened kerosene tins.


KHA reference number is 0702, KNP POM is L.3. There is a history brief and Conservation Study available for this site.


Round Mountain Hut


Wolgal Lodge