Linesmans Number 3

Photo by Olaf Moon

Known as Fifteeen Mile Huts,  Linesmans #3 Hut, or Emu Plain Huts.

Located on a high plain, near to Bradleys Hut just off the Cabramurra Rd, and at Grid reference 260134.


Brief History

There are two huts in this location, built by the SMA for powerline maintenance. One was built in 1950s and the other in the 1980s.

While they are supposed to be moved, they are a very popular XC ski destination. The KNP has not allowed KHA to do urgent maintenance on these huts, and has also not clarified their intent for them.

One is on a sled, and may have been moved from 263131, 257134 and 262132.

There is a fantastic view from here to Jagungal.


They are 3.5 by 2m and 3.5 by 2.3m in size and built as modular units. One used to have a welcome stove, but that is now gone. The huts are weatherboard over timber, with corrugated iron roofs and lined with masonite. Each has a wooden floor.


  1. KHA reference is 2324 and

  2. KNP POM is L.80.


Kiandra PO


Mathews Cottage