Pryors Hut

Photograph courtesy David Mitchell 2014, other by Olaf Moon.

Known as Pryors Hut, Arboretum Hut, Botanic Gardens Hut or the Annex Hut

Pryor’s Hut is located on the main ridge of the Brindabella Range, between Mr Ginini and Mt Gingera, and at map reference 611 629. It sits outside the ACT boundary by about 20m and is actually in the Bimberi Nature Reserve.


Consisting of three rooms, with substantial stone footings, the hut is built of sawn timber, set vertically for the walls. There are three rooms, an ante room at the entrance, living room and bedroom. The floor is timber, with some covering. The roof and porch are covered with corrugated iron. There is an outside toilet.

The hut is the best built in Namadgi, as it needs to survive vigorous weather conditions in winter. It has been a saviour for a number of parties.

Brief History

The hut was built in 1952, by Lindsay Pryor and party, as a shelter for those working in the Alpine Botanical Gardens, an annex to the National Botanical Gardens (nearby). Professor Pryor was a prominent member of the Board of the Botanical Gardens and one time Professor of Forestry at ANU. At the time the hut was built, he was Superintendent of Parks and Gardens for the ACT. It was built to provide shelter to those planting and tending the alpine plants.

Beloved by his students, his knowledge of Eucalyptus in Australia was encyclopedic. He is the author of many texts on Australian flora.

This hut is particularly popular with families, who find the walking distance from the locked gate on the Mt Franklin Road, to be just right for a day walk or cycle ride.

ACT Environment is considering moving the gate rather closer to Bulls Head, which would move this hut out of a reasonable days walking distance by most families. This is being opposed by KHA.

Originally only the ante-room was open, but now all three rooms are available to visitors.


This hut has substantial historical and survival value. Strictly speaking, it is a few metres over the border into NSW, so as not to cause issues with the Cotter Catchment.

Caretakers - ACT E&H and KHA.


  1. Lindsay Pryor - Personal Communication - 1975

  2. KHA Huts list.

  3. Matthew Higgins - pers comm.

GPS: S 35.562321 E 148.778164


Macintyre's Hut at Flea Creek