Bag Range Hut

Location - This hut is in the Brindabella National Park on the hill past Dingo Dell Flats, and at Grid Reference 55 H 661 200 E and 61 04 205 SN (AGD-66). It is just outside the ACT.

To find it, take the Doctors Flat Rd, off Mountain Creek Road (from near Uriarra Station), up the hill and through Dingo Dell Flats. Turn right then left at the top and follow Webs Fire Trail, past the Sawmill site. Turn Right onto Bells Camp Road and travel precisely 1.9 Km to the crest of a ridge. Park, and walk uphill 1 km, due west to the summit, where the hut is located. There is a path entering behind the hut, and leaving about 40 m down hill (South) from the crest, but it is not obvious.

Brief History

The hut was built by Ted Kennedy in the 1940's as a shelter for the rangers on fire tower duty. The tower stood nearby.

It has spectacular views for 360 degrees across ACT and NSW, and down to KNP.

It received a welcome update by David Mitchell and friends around 2008.


Corrugated iron walls and flat corrugated iron roof. Timber floor, somewhat burned near the fireplace. Bush poles and corrugated iron chimney. Rusted out water tank. Original furniture including an iron bedstead and shelving.

Caretakers - KHA Members.


  1. Matthew Higgins - pers comm.

GPS: S 35.192392 E 148.773831


Macintyre's Hut at Flea Creek