Foremans Hut

Photo courtesy of KHA Archives - Frank Leydan.

Also known as Wallaces Hut, Foremans Chimney and Foremans Hut.

Location - Foremans is famous for the brick chimney that remains prominent today, on a river spur, near to the Blue Lake track. It is clearly visible from the Charlotte Pass LO, and has saved a number of wayward skiers and walkers, lost in fog or cloud.

Brief History

Foremans was built in the 1920s by Mr Blyton for Dr Foreman of Wagga Wagga. It was later used by Wallace for grazing.

The hut was demolished in the 1940s, leaving the prominent chimney, used by a number of people as a navigation beacon, to save their lives in a blizzard.


Three rooms with roof and walls of corrugated iron. Floor of wood. Two chimneys originally one of brick and the other of stone.


  1. KHA Reference number is 2421.

  2. Hueneke Pp1.


Farm Ridge Homestead


Freebody's Hut