Dead Horse Gap Hut

Photograph courtesy of R Gray for the KHA Collection © 1964.

Known as Dead Horse Gap #2 Hut or Dead Horse Hut

Located at Dead Horse Gap above Thredbo, on the Eastern side of the road, about 50 metres from the current car turning circle. Shown at GR129572. A second hut stood at GR137572.


Built for grazing in about 1898, on the bridle track that used to run south of where Cootapatamba Hut now stands.

The hut shown was removed by the NPWS in about 1968, as the Reserve was about to be gazetted as a National Park.


  1. Hueneke Pp5, 31, 166.

  2. KHA Reference Numbers are 2707 and 2708.

  3. Ted Fleming - pers comm.


Crowes Hut


Diamond Hill Hut