Waterfall Valley Hut

Photograph courtesy of Gary Duncan © 1991. This is the original Waterfall Hut, replaced now with a modern version - Photos below by Hutchinson and Carruthers.

Known as Waterfall Hut, or Waterfall Valley Hut

Located below the Cirque on the southern side of Cradle Mountain.


The original Waterfall Valley Hut was built in about 1952, very close to the position of the current hut. The new hut replaced the Cirque Hut, built about two kilometres to the south in an unsuitable position (it kept falling off the mountain).

A new hut was built in 1985 and this was then upgraded with a second hut built in 2019-20. It was the first that utilised more energy efficient methods of construction, with solar heating, insulation, glazed windows, low emission lighting and better bush fire protection. It can now take 34 walkers.

Caretakers - National Parks


Timber pseudo slabs, wooden floor, iron roof. The new hut has double glazing and other special features that took an entire team, eight weeks to construct.


DuCane Hut


Kiaora Hut