Scott-Kilvert Hut

The Photograph is Copyright and taken by Olaf Moon in 1971 on a Kodak cartridge camera, as a slide then digitised.

Known as Scott Kilvert Hut or Scott-Kilvert Memorial Hut.

Located: The Scott-Kilvert Hut is in the Cradle Mtn NP, and sits behind Cradle itself to the East. It is NOT on the normal overland track, but a useful subsidiary side-loop.


The hut was built following the death of two yong men named Scott and Kilvett. It has since saved a number of lives.

The Scott-Kilvert Memorial Hut commemorates teacher Ewen Scott and student David Kilvert, who died in near-blizzard conditions at Cradle Mountain on 20 May 1965 on a Riverside High School walking trip.

After their deaths, Riverside High School and the Launceston Walking Club submitted plans to the Scenery Preservation Board for a memorial hut at Lake Rodway. Assisted by members of the North West Walking Club, work began in September 1965. The hut was dedicated by headmaster John Walker on 3 April 1966.

Nearby, is the one of the most photogenic tarns in the world (photographed by National Geographic) and known as Artists Pool.


Consturcction is commercial grade, mostly of timber, and noted for the large poles that form both side struts and the main roof beams.


  1. Riverside High School memorial book.


Kitchen Hut


Little Horn Shelter